Holiday Gift Guide

It’s December!  The most wonderful time of year is here.  For most people, this also means it is the busiest and often a very stressful time of year too.  I don’t know about you, but I feel like I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off!  With gift giving being my love language, this is absolutely my favorite holiday, and I love putting lots of thought into the gifts I will be giving out.  But guess what, lots of thought usually means lots of time… something we are all probably running low on this time of year.  After standing in line out the door at the post office the other day (December 5th…and I thought I was being “ahead of schedule”!), I decided to compile a list of my favorite places to shop for gifts, so I could share with you and hopefully save YOU some time!  If you didn’t already know, I am all about the shop small, shop local life, so the following are all small and some local (Ocala, FL area)!  ENJOY!

And of course…

Bride's Name is _____________________ Groom's Name is _____________________. We got engaged on _____________________. You can get in touch with me at ____________________________ or __________________________________.  The best time of day to call me is _____________________.
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